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About Us


I actually participated in my very first yoga class as a dare; I was such an intense and highly-strung person that my partner thought it would be highly amusing to watch me struggling to remain calm for more than five minutes at a single stretch; the bet was that I would run out screaming within minutes.

I stayed for the full hour. I never looked back.


In hindsight, our greatest mistake, misconception or preconception was to assue that you already had to be calm and collected to practice yoga. What we failed to realize was that yoga is there to help everyone - the calm and the stressed - to try to reach an inner state of perfect stillness and peace through the practise of physical postures called asanas.

My classes are thus suitable for everyone, as every yoga class should be. If you can breathe, you can practice yoga! I offer private, one-to-one sessions if you would prefer a programme exclusively tailored to suit specific requirements, be they physical, spiritual or emotional. If you prefer the idea of practising alongside other yogis and yoginis, classes are held at a few set locations; mats are provided, and use can be made of the blocks and blankets already on site.


I live yoga, and would love to share its considerable physical, emotional, psychological benefits with you. Hatha Yoga affects all these aspects of your being by synchronizing a range of asanas with breathing techniques, called pranayamas. As stated, the ultimate aim of Hatha Yoga is to achieve a perfect unification of mind and body through these methods. The calm and peae which results once you totally submerse yourself in your practice is a joy in itself.


Perhaps the most wonderful aspect about yoga is that absolutely anyone can do it! If you can breathe, you can do yoga! You can be young, or not so young; fit, or not quite as fit as you would lik. You simply start working with the body you have, and take it from there. Equally, the most important thing about yoga, and possibl one of the nicest, is that it is in no way competitive; a lovely change considering today's society. It does not matter in the slightest where your body begins or ends when you perform a yoga posture; it is all about discovering your learning edge, and working mindfully and respectfully with yur body, to seejust how wonderful you can make yourself feel. Each time you step onto a mat, things will be different; the journey will alter slightly, and noyoga session is ever unsuccesful! The only unsuccessful sessions are those which you do no do!




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